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- and twice as smart.
- bloodhound.
- car around the inside of a cheerio.
- groceries in the same bag.
- in a hammock.
- jumped the track.
- missing from his deck altogether.
- nothing in, nothing out / rusted shut.
- thinks he's worth.
- "Body by Fisher -- brains by Mattel."
- $HOME = /dev/null.
- A 10K brain attached to a 9600 baud mouth.
- A brain like a BB in a boxcar.
- A day late and a dollar short.
- A few beers short of a six-pack / a six-pack short of a case.
- A few bombs/bricks short of a full load.
- A few clowns short of a circus.
- A few french fries short of a Happy Meal.
- A few open splices.
- A few peas short of a casserole.
- A few pickles short of a jar.
- A few planes short of an Air Force.
- A few revisions behind.
- A few sandwiches short of a picnic.
- A few screws loose.
- A few tiles missing from his space shuttle.
- A few tiles short of a successful re-entry.
- A few volts below threshold.
- A few yards short of the hole.
- A flying buttress short of a cathedral.
- A kangaroo loose in her top paddock.
- A little light in his loafers.
- A looney tune.
- A modest little person, with much to be modest about. -- Churchill
- A notch off the timing mark.
- A one-bit brain with a parity error.
- A photographic memory, but the lens cover is glued on.
- A quart low.
- A return with no gosub.
- A room temperature IQ.
- A victim of retroactive birth control.
- All booster -- no payload.
- All crown -- no filling.
- All hat and no cattle.
- All his eggs in the same basket.
- All the lights don't shine in her marquis.
- All the sex appeal of a wet paper bag.
- Always in the right place, but at the wrong time.
- Always sharpening his sleeping skills.
- An 8080 in a 68000 environment.
- An ego like a black hole.
- An experiment in Artificial Stupidity.
- An expert on the historical significance of cottage cheese.
- As bright as a nightlight / small appliance bulb / tulip bulb.
- As quick as a corpse.
- As sharp as a marble / bowling ball / pin head / bowl of Jello,
- As smart as bait.
- As thick as two short planks.
- Attic's a little dusty.
- Back burners not fully operating.
- Bad spot on the disk.
- Bats in the belfry.
- Been napping in front of the ion shield again.
- Been playing with his wand too much.
- Been playing with the pharmacy section again.
- Been short on oxygen one time too many.
- Been using her head as a mass driver.
- Blew his O-rings.
- Blew the hatch before the lock sealed.
- Born a day late and like that ever since.
- Born ugly and built to last.
- Both oars in the water, but on the same side of the boat.
- Bright as Alaska in December.
- Bubbles in her think tank.
- Caboose seems to be pulling the engine.
- Calling her stupid would be an insult to stupid people.
- Can be outwitted by a jar of Marshmallow Fluff.
- Can't find his ass with two hands and a periscope/compass/flashlight/
- Car's only got three wheels, and one's going flat.
- Carries a tire gauge in her purse.
- Chimney's clogged.
- Clock doesn't have all its numbers.
- Collects cards for Craig.
- Contributes to the population problem.
- Couldn't pour water out of a boot with instructions on the heel.
- CPU not connected to the bus.
- Cranio-rectally inverted.
- Cursor's flashing but there's no response.
- Diarrhea of the mouth; constipation of the ideas.
- Does aerobics... in his head.
- Does everything the hard way, like making love standing up
- Doesn't have all his dogs on one leash / cups in the cupboard /
- Doesn't have all the dots on his dice / pens in her plotter.
- Doesn't have both oars in the water.
- Doesn't have the sense God gave an animal cracker.
- Doesn't have two neurons to rub together.
- Doesn't just know nothing: doesn't even suspect much.
- Doesn't know which side the toast is buttered on.
- Doesn't quite sample at the Nyquist rate.
- Donated her body to science... before she was done using it.
- Downhill skiing in Iowa.
- Driving with two wheels in the sand.
- Dropped his second stage too soon.
- Dumb as a stump / sack of hammers.
- Dumber than a chicken / box of hair/rocks.
- Easier to count the bricks left than the bricks missing.
- Echoes between the ears.
- Elevator doesn't go all the way to the top floor / penthouse.
- Elevator goes all the way to the top but the door doesn't open.
- End of season sale at the cerebral department. -- Gareth Blackstock
- Finds a flat by swapping tires.
- Fired from McDonald's for having a short attention span.
- Fired her retro-rockets a little late.
- Flying/landing on one engine.
- Folds ace plus red jack hand when playing blackjack.
- Forgot to pay his brain bill.
- Four cents short of a nickel.
- Fruity as a nutcake.
- Full throttle, dry tank.
- Gates are down, the lights are flashing, but the train isn't coming.
- Gavel doesn't quite hit the bench.
- Gets hypnotized on the despun section.
- Goalie for the dart team.
- Gyros are loose.
- Had a head crash.
- Half a bubble off plumb. -- attributed to Mark Twain
- Hard to tell if he has an ace up his sleeve or if the ace is
- Has a few wait states.
- Has a full six-pack but lacks the plastic thing to hold them together.
- Has a leak in his ceiling.
- Has a one-way ticket on the Disoriented Express.
- Has a slow clock.
- Has all her bricks, but no cement holding them together.
- Has all the brains God gave a duck's ass.
- Has his solar panels aimed at the moon.
- Has it floored in neutral.
- Has no discretionary intellect.
- Has no upper stage.
- Has signs on both ears saying "Space for Rent".
- Has the attention span of an overripe grapefruit.
- Has the brains of a house plant.
- Has the Grand Canyon under the crew cut.
- Has the Iq of a salad bar / ice cube.
- Has the mental agility of a soap dish.
- Has two brains; one is lost and the other is out looking for it.
- Hasn't got all his china in the cupboard.
- Hasn't got the brains God gave a cat.
- Having a party in his head, but no one else is invited.
- He's diagnosable.
- He's in, but he's out to lunch.
- Her ass is sucking swamp gas.
- Her dialing thumb must be broken.
- Her memory is truly random-access.
- Her mere presence causes parity errors, power fails, and head crashes.
- Her synapses are about *that* far apart.
- Her tires are a little low.
- Hid behind the door when they passed out brains.
- His antenna doesn't pick up all the channels.
- His buffer is full.
- His elevator is stuck between floors.
- His head whistles in a cross wind.
- His mind is on vacation but his mouth is working overtime.
- His picture is in the dictionary under "zero".
- His puzzle is missing a few pieces.
- His seat back is not in the full upright position.
- His system administrator is never in.
- I'd like to buy him for what he's worth and sell him for what he
- If brains were bird droppings, he'd have a clean cage.
- If brains were dynamite, she wouldn't have enough to blow her nose.
- If brains were gasoline, he wouldn't have enough to drive a dinky
- If brains were lard, he'd be hard pressed to grease a small pan.
- If brains were taxed, he'd get a rebate.
- If brains were water, hers wouldn't be enough to baptize a flea.
- If he had another brain, it would be lonely.
- If he had brains, he'd take them out and play with them.
- If he had half a brain, his ass would be lopsided.
- If he were any more stupid, he'd have to be watered twice a week.
- If her brains were put in a hummingbird, it would fly backwards.
- If his IQ was two points higher he'd be a rock.
- If she was any dumber, she'd be a green plant.
- If they knock heads, implosion will suck all the air out of the room.
- If what you don't know can't hurt you, she's practically invulnerable.
- If you give him a penny for his thoughts, you get change back.
- If you stand close enough to him, you can hear the ocean.
- In need of a ROM upgrade.
- In the shopping mall of the mind, he's in the toy store.
- Infinite space between her ears.
- Informationally deprived.
- Intellectually challenged.
- Knitting with only one needle.
- Left hand threaded.
- Left his booster on the launch pad.
- Left the store without all of his groceries.
- Lights are on but nobody's home.
- Lights not burning too bright.
- Like a loose-leaf folder in winter.
- Little red choo-choo's gone chugging 'round the bend /
- Living proof that nature does not abhor a vacuum.
- Long on dry wall, short on studs.
- Loose chip on the microprocessor board.
- Loose wire to his headset/ringer.
- Low on thinking gas.
- Lugnuts rattling in the hubcaps.
- Mainspring's wound too tight.
- Metronome needs oil.
- Mind like a steel sieve.
- Mind like a steel trap -- everything gets mangled / full of mice /
- Missing a few buttons on his remote control.
- Missing a few catalog cards / gears / marbles.
- Missing a layer of insulation in his attic.
- Mouth is in gear, brain is in neutral.
- Needs another brain to make half-wit.
- Needs both hands to wipe his behind.
- Nice house but not much furniture / nobody lives there.
- Nine pence in the shilling.
- Nineteen cents short of a paradigm.
- No one at the throttle.
- No wind in her mind's windmills.
- Not digging in the same ditch with the rest of us.
- Not enough sense to come in out of the rain.
- Not enough sense to stay out in the rain (like a 60's flower child).
- Not firing on all four/six/eight cylinders.
- Not hard-docked.
- Not playing with / dealing from a full deck (-- not even in the game).
- Not running on full thrusters.
- Not the full quid.
- Not the sharpest knife in the drawer.
- Not wrapped too tight.
- Nothing between the stethoscopes.
- Number 'n a hake. (New England expression; a notoriously stupid fish.)
- Nutty as a fruitcake.
- Off his rocker.
- Oil doesn't reach his dipstick.
- On the batting end of a no-hitter.
- One bit short of a byte.
- One board short of a porch.
- One boot stuck in the sand.
- One bun short of a dozen.
- One Froot Loop shy of a full bowl.
- One hot pepper short of an enchilada.
- One marble shy of a full deck.
- One sentence short of a paragraph.
- One shade short of a rainbow.
- One shingle shy of a roof.
- One side short of a pentagon.
- One step short of the attic.
- One taco short of a combination plate.
- One tree short of a hammock.
- One weight short of a shipwreck.
- Only one oar in the water.
- Only playing with 51 cards.
- Only playing with the jokers.
- Operating in stand-by mode.
- Ought to have a warning label on his forehead.
- Over the rainbow.
- Overruns above 110 baud.
- Paged/swapped out.
- Paralyzed from the neck up.
- Parked his head and forgot where he left it.
- Pins 2 and 3 (RS-232) permanently connected to ground.
- Playing baseball with a rubber bat.
- Playing hockey with a warped puck.
- Playing Scrabble, but we can't figure out what words he's building.
- Plays pinochle with a poker deck.
- Plays solitaire... for cash.
- Posts empty articles to Usenet -- and enjoys rereading them later.
- Pressure's up, but there's a slow leak somewhere.
- Puts a finger in his ear so the draft through his head isn't annoying.
- Racing fifty yards with a pregnant woman, he'd come in third.
- Reading from an empty/blank/unformatted disk.
- Reads Homer in the original Greek, but doesn't know Greek.
- Receiver is off the hook.
- Renewable energy source for hot air balloons.
- Reset line is glitching.
- Result of a first cousin marriage.
- Running at 300 baud.
- Running on empty.
- Runs squares around the competition.
- S p a c e d o u t .
- Sailboat fuel for brains.
- Sat under the ozone hole too long.
- Sending back packets, but the checksums are wrong.
- Seven seconds behind, and built to stay that way.
- Several nuts short of a full pouch.
- She wears a pony tail to cover up the valve stem.
- Short a few cards.
- Short-circuited between the earphones.
- Skating on the wrong side of the ice.
- Skylight leaks a little.
- Slept too close to his radium-dial watch.
- Slinky's kinked.
- Sloppy as a soup sandwich.
- Smoke doesn't make it to the top of his chimney.
- So fat that people jump over him rather than go around.
- So slow he has to speed up to stop.
- So stupid, mind readers charge her half price.
- Solid concrete from the eyebrows backwards.
- Some bugs in his software.
- Some drink from the fountain of knowledge, but he just gargled.
- Someone blew out his pilot light.
- Someone else is doing the driving for that boy.
- Someone let the air out of her lock.
- Source code is missing a few lines.
- Surfing in Nebraska.
- Swimming in the shallow end of the gene pool.
- Switch is on, but no one's receiving.
- Teflon brain -- nothing sticks.
- The best part of him ran down his mother's legs. -- Jackie Gleason
- The cheese slid off his cracker.
- The going got weird, and he turned pro.
- The twinkle in his eyes is actually the sun shining between his ears.
- Thick as a brick.
- Thinks at 5 baud.
- Too many birds on her antenna.
- Too much yardage between the goal posts.
- Top paddock is full of rocks.
- Toys in the attic.
- Train of thought derailed / still boarding at the station.
- Traveling faster than light, but left his sneakers behind.
- Trying out for the javelin retrieval team.
- Two bits shy of a word.
- Two inches taller than spherical.
- Two saucers short of a tea-service.
- Unclear which of Newton's three laws of motion keeps his ears apart.
- Using a 1S-2D floppy for brains in a world of hard disks.
- Vacancy on the top floor.
- Vertically-fornicated mind.
- Was first in line for brains, but ended up holding the door open.
- Was napping in the nut pile the day God was cracking nuts.
- Wasn't abused as a child, but should have been.
- Wasn't strapped in during launch.
- With one more neuron he'd have a synapse.
- Would make an excellent illustration in a proctology textbook.
- Zero K memory.